SG201 Module Book 9 - The Monochord, Music & Cymatics
Ancient music was first and foremost an expression of the order of the universe and was therefore based on the harmonics of the Overtone Series and the corresponding simple geometric ratios of whole numbers.
The monochord (one string instrument) is the traditional way of understanding the natural physics of sound and the relationship between frequency and wavelength, based on simple geometric ratios. The harmonic series and overtones have been essential knowledge to all ancient musicians seeking ”just intonation”. Only recently, in the last 2 centuries, did this natural tuning get superseded by the “equal temperament” system, a convenient yet artificial way of playing music. This “equal temperament” system has progressively alienated modern westernized man from the naturally resonant rhythms of the cosmos and his inner nature.
The new art-science of cymatics is a powerful reminder illustrating the emerging quantum wisdom: sonic waves create the vibrational nodes we call ‘reality’. By resonance and conscious intention, they can create non-local, self-referential vortices of manifestation. Current discoveries in the technological, medical & healing applications of sound are spiraling back to the musical harmonic wisdom of ancient cultures.
SG201 offers the following chapters:
1. Ancient Music
2. The Monochord & Overtones
3. The Universe as Music
4. Musical Scales & Just Intonation
5. Cymatics, Yesterday & Today
6. Music, Colors & Healing
Yes, life is a glorious dance of standing waves,
fine-tuned to the PHI cosmic constant,
and based on simple harmonic ratios we call ‘beautiful’ or ‘soulful’ music.